Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time alone

We had fun eating at the Social House at TI...I had lots of great suggestions...this one was the closest to our hotel with great reviews...a good compromise and ended up being yummy!

Lovely picture of us...we took it ourselves on our way to the spa...we stopped to listen to/watch the fountains at the different for Vegas right?

Tired but happy to go home....and had a blast in Vegas!
We Saw Kevin James and Ray Romano, Laughed so hard, caught up on a couple of movies we missed in the theaters, ate yummy food, went shopping, went to Qua-Caesar's Palace spa (I highly recommend it-they have an arctic room where snow falls from the ceiling), and somehow still came home tired...what?!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Girls Weekend!

I think I'm a little mixed up on posting about trips
, so before I post about Vegas (I only have three pictures anyway) I thought I'd show you some pictures of my trip to LA with Rachel, my sister ( law technically)...I LOVER HER! I adore all of Cord's sisters, they're fantastic and I'm so blessed to have them in my life! Above are my parents so excited to eat a bowl of Matzo Ball Soup from Juniors (an LA institution)!

And here Rachel and I are eating ours...Rachel had a lot of "firsts" on this trip...including Matzo Ball Soup...which she loved and has since craved!

That night we went to dinner with my parent's friends and it was crystal clear over the San Fernando Valley (I know, right?) so we decided to document this rarity with a photo!

We had fun, this is a favorite group of mine!

Had to take Rach for a ride in the 'stang
...I think she was a little afraid...I think we went from zero to ninety in like 5 seconds...giddy up!

We were running some errands for my parents and got silly with the RX glasses...

way too silly...

Brunch at the Vines...yummy...and it couldn't have been a more perfect weekend! It was like 76˚ and then we left and my mom said we took the warm weather with us!

Me and my dad

We took a long walk that afternoon, in my parent's development they have "paseos" which are naturally preserved walkways that are amazing, this picture was in front of a heritage oak...probably 150 years old...and the picture below is not photoshoped, the sky was that blue.

The "scary" tunnel as I call it. Every time I check in by myself it seems, I'm in the wrong place and have to walk down this creepy tunnel and I'm always alone! This time there was a lady with us and she said she'd take our picture to document the "scary tunnel" seriously goes on forever under the airport.

We were sad to go home, but these were the happy faces we mustered up. Thanks Rach for indulging me and playing with me for the weekend. My favorite was shopping on Rodeo drive and having you take pictures out the car window! I also loved driving with the top down with the sun on our faces...but mostly loved hanging out with my sister.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So the other day I came home from a myriad of "beauty" treatments and I was immediately tackled by my children with questions, "what's wrong with your eyebrows mom?", "Is your hair okay mom?"...etc. I was feeling just a little put off until Cayden said, "Mom, when are your eyebrows going back to normal?" then I was a lot put off!

Cord later said, "you know you don't have to do any of 'this' for me, I think you're beautiful when you wake up in the morning just the way you are". What a sweet husband I have. Of course, I said, I knew that I didn't need to do that and I know who I am and how I feel about myself regardless of my drab blonde hair color or how blonde my eyebrows are. But we did have a good discussion that there was a certain amount of "maintenance" that I felt I liked to "do" on myself and that made me feel good...and I thought that was okay. (My pride was making me start to feel like this was an intervention from my family...I'm not off getting cologen or botox injections...or any plastic surgery...or even regular facials...I just wanna see my eyebrows for goodness sakes and blondes don't always want to be blonde! Then I had to just calm down and be more humble, this is not what he was trying to say.

The point I think I'm trying to get to here, is that my sweet husband was reminding me that beauty exudes from within and that he hoped that I remembered that. "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart" 1 Samuel 16:7

What can I say, I have a saint for a husband, it's always good to have reminders and I needed a good reminder from Cord that the beatification that is most important comes from within, not from without and that without that inner beauty, it doesn't matter how much you spend on your hair...