Monday, February 2, 2009

I wish they all could be California girls...

We had to pretend it wasn't winter and enjoy some good old fashioned California stuff: Red convertable mustang, two cute blondies, and some crazy driving!!! Brings back great memories!


Anonymous said...

super cute dollies! I want hannah to drive me around. the cereal was yummy, but I think I needed to start it earlier the night before. Thanks for the great recipe. I really appreciate you dropping that stuff of. Hope you are feeling better!

Janine said...

I'm glad you like the cereal...I'll have to look on the directions and make sure I put on there LOW for 8-9 hours! you start it the night before...the kids had it yesterday and loved it's a favorite! No problem dropping the stuff off and I'm recovering...up down up down!

Shelly Kenison said...

Love her enthusiasm over the STANG! The best part was watching the girls get stuck in the snow. What a great way to enjoy such a beautiful day.
