Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weird Science

Cayden entered the Science fair this year with a project that was way beyond my comprehension, in fact, when he told me about it a year ago, I told him, "magnets can't float Cayden, we're not doing that". He is so smart! He ended up winning the award for the most advanced science project in the school, that was pretty cool! Superconductors are technology of the them, it's pretty cool stuff. His cousin Zander was very proud of him too! I am also very pleased that Cayden did the entire project with his partner Brittain and we didn't help him with anything but the video burning...he did absolutely everything by can tell by the sign!!! Yay Cayden!


Ashley and Brett said...

Oh, I wish I would have known. I would have love to come see him! What happened to my first nephew??? HE'S SO BIG and GROWN UP!!!!

Anonymous said...

So impressive! I hope he plans on a career in tutoring my girls! I can't believe his forthought in leaving an opening for the tv. Very impressive presentation for a little guy. I am with ya on the actual data of the project-way over my head!

Cindy England said...

Yeah! congrats to Cayden--what a smartie!!! :) xoxo, C
