Friday, December 5, 2008

Finally here!

My brother in law is going to be SOOOO happy that I'm finally doing a family blog...this is for you Gordon! I thought this would be a great place to share the happenings in the Ottley household and then you all won't have to get that boring Christmas letter that I author every can just check out our blog.

I want to thank Hannah Craner who also re-designed my other blog The Pink Teapot, she has done a wonderful job embracing a vision that was really hazy for both blogs. For this blog I told her that I loved yellow and red, with a touch of blue...and that I loved visiting Provence, France and those colors. She's done wonders, thanks again Hannah.

I hope this is fun and that I can keep it up, I'm excited to try.


Anonymous said...

love love love your new blog! Hope you don't mind, borrrowed your idea and put our blog on our christmas card. miss you tonz xoxo


Penelope said...

I love the family blog. I also love your new look on "The Pink Teapot". I also love the darling apron that was designed by Dovies Apron. Her blog is really cute. This is a great idea.....My dad would have loved's amazing how much technology changes things and the way we communicate. Keep up the good's well worth it.
