First of all, our thoughts and continued prayers go out to our dear friends who are hurting right now with sickness and sadness for different reasons in their lives. You know who you are.

That being said, we had a quiet and intimate
Christmas at home and enjoyed every moment. Usually on Christmas eve, we go over the
Christmas story from the Bible, but this year, I found a new book that uses direct quotes from the King James Version of the Bible and also hymns and other sacred Christmas songs with beautiful illustrations. We used this for our guide on Christmas eve after playing our traditional
Christmas eve game that we open every year, which was
Blokus this year...thank you to
Steve and Sheri for your suggestion, this was a perfect and fun game for the whole family.

On Christmas morning, we
lined everyone up as normal on the basement stairs and had them walk in while Cord video taped them with his new camera (
Santa came early for Cordy). we do "Santa" first, then we just pick random presents and we watch each other one by one open and dad always wait until very last. Our
stockings are the very last things we open and we even had enough self control this year to take a small break to eat breakfast...muffins and breakfast casserole. After all the present commotion,

we got all the kids suited up and Cord suited up as well, and they all went outside while I had a chance to video them and clean up a bit. We went to Cord's parents later that day for a while which is always so fun...and
I can't remember what time I fell asleep on the love sac...I was a little tired!

We finished off our weekend by going sledding again, all of us, along with family and friends. It was so much fun. I've ended the weekend not feeling so well, I'll leave it at that...but it's been crazy...and now the kids are home for another week or should be exciting!
Have a wonderful new year!!
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! We had to "share" parents this year, so we missed you at moms. Fun to see what you guys got!
What a difference between CA and UT. It's 72 degrees today, sunny and beautiful. I know you love Utah, but that snow looks pretty cold to me. The kids look like they really had fun with their sleds.
what great pics! you are so skinny!
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