Monday, August 31, 2009


Cayden is playing football this year like I've talked about and we're all enjoying the experience. It's challenging and exciting and he's working hard to make his coaches proud. Cord and I are not aficionados so we're not taking him home from practice talking about plays and how he could improve them and sometimes I feel like I have let him down...maybe I need to take a football class- do they have those for moms???

This is Stockton- Cayden's closest friend. He's also the coaches son and our neighbor. Stockton spends his time telling Cayden about all the positive things he's doing in football and maybe what he could do to improve a few things as well. He also spends his time entertaining us with a little R & B dancing now and then...we love this kid!

Isn't he handsome?

First day at practice, he didn't have a jersey yet and this one obviously didn't fit him.

The rest of football season has been spent blowing up bottles with The Works toilet bowl cleaner and having boy/girl parties at our house (which I lost my camera mom was dying). We've had such a blast these last few weeks and I wouldn't trade this time for anything in the world. He has the sweetest friends who obviously have great families- they come up to me on Sunday and thank me for having them over the Friday before. It's a party at the Ottleys.

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